Q: What Is a UES, and how is it different than an ESS?

A: A UES (Uninterrupted Energy Supply) System is used as a home’s primary power system, and will protect you if the grid fails or an emergency happens. With a UES, the utility as the backup. An ESS is a power backup system only, and will not protect you if the power goes out.

Q: How much time will I get from my UES system?

A: This is a great question, every home or business is different, some users are energy savvy and some are massive energy users, so if the system is sized correctly we can overcome this and show you how to save your system for when you really need it.

Q: If I go with a backup system only, can I use my air conditioner, pool, welder, stove top, or electric hot water heater?

A: No, a back up consists of what is called “Critical Load”. You can use your refrigerator, cable, internet, some outlets and some lighting. NO HEAVY LOADS.

Q: Can I go off grid in the city?

A: If you have a meter it is not suggested that you remove it. However, you can eliminate your electric usage and only pay a meter fee. (You’re just making the utility the back up.)

Q: What if the grid fails or a there is an emergency power outage?

A: This is a great question, your system stays on to give you the power you need. If there was a earthquake, please be safe and turn off the GAS or Propane at the main service. You can leave your electric on if safe.

Q: What if I have an emergency in the house and need to get out?

A: For this reason, our systems are the first to have a complete Rapid Shut Down Switch. This will shut off all power as well as the inverters. Just press the blue lit power button and the system is off. This is a safety switch for emergency officials. 

Q. What advantages do I gain from energy storage?

  • Federal and State Incentives. Through 2019, battery storage when paired with renewable energy installations is eligible for the federal 30 percent Investment Tax Credit, which encourages companies to develop long-term investments that drive competition and technological innovation, and in turn, lower costs for consumers. In 2020 the ITC is reduced to 26 percent, and then it goes down to 22 percent the following year. In 2022 it drops to zero for residential structures, while the credit for commercial and utility drops to 10 percent and stays at that rate permanently.

  • Financial Savings. San Diego Gas & Electric, the IOU that serves San Diego County, has a history of raising its regular rates, and will continue to do so for the foreseeable future. Meanwhile, SDG&E buys energy from solar customers when they produce an excess. The utility also sells it back to them during periods when their arrays are not producing. However, a proposal pending approval from the CPUC to change the length of the buying and selling periods, known as Time of Use (TOU), basically amounts to a rate increase. Installing an UES battery system would take you out of the rate-hike equation.

  • Leaving the Grid Behind. In the aim of meeting the state’s sustainable energy standard that calls for 100 percent renewable power by 2045, SDG&E is building new infrastructure. Yet, such development will not be paid for out of company profits, it will be paid for out of rate-payers’ pockets. SDG&E, a Sempra utility reported fourth-quarter 2016 earnings of $151 million, up from $144 million in the same quarter of 2015.

  • Solar-Plus-Battery Storage Increases Property Values. There’s an immediate financial reward for adding rooftop or ground mount solar arrays and battery storage. But they also increase the value of your home or commercial building should you decide to sell, according to real estate agents and appraisers.

Q. What makes SunFusion Energy Systems the best choice?

  • SunFusion systems are designed to accommodate any residential or commercial load. Our battery lineup includes the 9-36 kilowatt hour Echo Indoor series (suitable for most residential needs), 18-72 kWh Echo Outdoor, and 36-108 kWh Alpha.

  • Our batteries are comprised of fifth-generation lithium iron phosphate (LiFePO4) with prismatic cell technology, and are rated for a 10,000-cycle lifespan, which equates to 27.5 years. Unlike cylindrical battery packs with hundreds of cells, our single-cell packs are designed for constant use and high heat resistance up to 576 degrees, making them incredibly safe. They are the most advanced batteries on the market today.

  • We are the only UES provider that includes a rapid shutdown switch in each of our systems, allowing the unit to quickly be completely shut down in the event of an emergency.

  • We make the only whole-house, whole-building systems now available, meaning they’ll pick up all your heavy-hitting loads, including air-conditioning, pool pumps and electric vehicle chargers while providing ample output for other appliances and needs. We keep the lights on 24/7, 365 days a year!

  • We offer an industry-leading 25-year, non-prorated warranty.

Q. Is Financing available for my UES System?

A: Yes, Ygrene Financial is an approved Financial group for SunFusion Energy Systems. Ask your contractor today on how you can fund your UES system with Pace Funding.

Learn how Ygrene can provide PACE financing for energy efficient, water conservation, and climate resiliency home improvement upgrades. Solar systems, HVAC, windows, doors, roofing, and insulation projects are just some of the numerous projects that Ygrene can finance.