
We want to make troubleshooting as easy as possible for the homeowner. This article will help ease the questions and uncertainties around troubleshooting. It will give the homeowner more knowledge on how the mechanics behind the system work.

Our steps to troubleshooting are easy and straight to the point. The homeowner will not be fixing anything. However, they will be testing for voltages and kilowatts. These measurements will help our staff diagnose the problem.

We advise the homeowner to not overthink the process and take each step literally. You do not need to be technology inclined to test your system. However, if you have any questions or need any help going through the process please feel free to call us.

Make sure to read every step and not skim through it. This is to ensure the homeowner's safety and the safety of the system. We tried our best to make each step straight to the point. There is also valuable information about weather and how it can affect the system.

Again, if you have questions or concerns please give us a call.
